> +1 for your thoughts.
> 2012/5/21 Graham Lauder <y...@apache.org>
> > > Hi.
> > > 
> > > 2012/5/21 Paulo de Souza Lima <paulo.s.l...@varekai.org>
> > > 
> > > > 2012/5/21 Albino Biasutti Neto <biasut...@gmail.com>
> > > > 
> > > > > Hi.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 2012/5/20 Raul Pacheco da Silva <raulpachecodasi...@gmail.com>
> > > > > 
> > > > > > Yes, like others softwares and  questions in free internet
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > U2es,012/5/20 Paulo de Souza Lima <paulo.s.l...@varekai.org>
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > This could be done in the wiki.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Yes.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Let's go ?!
> > > > > 
> > > > > Who wants to also create questions feel free.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Albino
> > > > 
> > > > You?
> > > 
> > > We. :)
> > > 
> > > Albino
> > 
> > First off we need to figure what we want to learn, just asking random
> > questions is no way to endear us to our users.
> Totally agree. We need know the goal we ask this kind of questions.
> > We used to have a survey that the user connected to when s/he selected "I
> > want
> > to register" during install.  That survey, set up by SUN, was very
> > comprehensive.
> > It had a couple of problems:
> > One was that it was just an information gathering exercise there seemed
> > to be
> > no real goal other than that.
> > 
> > Second was that it took too long to fill in, around 45 minutes.
> > 
> >  Consequently
> > 
> > very actually completed it.  I did the numbers on it a few years back but
> > unfortunately I can't find them.  Suffice to say it was miniscule,
> > insufficient to be a reasonable sample.
> > 
> > So therefore, any survey should have:
> > 
> > 1) A specific goal such as: to guide marketing as to untapped target
> > markets
> > or perhaps to answer a specific UX question.  In other words the data
> > gathered
> > should be used to guide specific decisions
> > 
> > 2) the survey participants should be told what the survey is about and
> > how their participation will affect the product.
> > 
> > 3) An approximate completion time but no more than 10 minutes and as
> > close to
> > 5 as feasible.
> > 
> > We also need to identify the target audience and how we approach that
> > audience.
> > 
> > So question one:  What issue needs discussing right now and why.
> > 
> > My first response to this would be Aesthetics.  A common complaint that
> > we have had is that the interface looks something from Win 2000 period.
> > 
> > At first glance they are right.  Buttons look clunky, the 3D depression
> > with
> > dark gray background does look old.  Symphony by comparison has a light
> > background behind the buttons on mouse over and a quite thin emboss on
> > click.
> > It looks lighter and fresher.  Good job symphony team.
> > 
> > We could put up a set of UI designs or themes and survey our users
> > feelings about them.
> > 
> > What else could we usefully ask about?
> Personally I think one plug-in etc can help collecting user behavior  to
> offer more user experience/behavior analysis maybe is one good choice. But
> it is out of this topic scope..

OK, here's a question:  I'd like to know if users would like the option to be 
able to "Skin" their AOO interface

The other question that arises from this from developers/artists point of 
view:  If the faclity was available would people like to create skins for AOO.

For instance, would it be possible to code up an application similar to a 
WYSIWYG webeditor like Kompozer, in which you could design a skin for your AOO 
interface and then that application would generate an extension that would 
allow the user to download the skin from the extensions repository and thus 
change the look and feel of their interface. 

(I'm not making a case that this would be a good use of projects resources at 
this point, just asking the question as to the possibility)

I ask because I am mindful of the difference of the freshness in the look 
between OOo and Symphony and our users have made this point over a fairly 
substantial amount of time.


> > Cheers
> > GL

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