On 06/02/12 15:11, Juergen Schmidt wrote:

Well I am a committer in the only big UNIX-like
distribution that is carrying Apache OpenOffice
nowadays. We would really like to use a source
distribution through ASF mirrors but since the ASF
doesn't provide one that works well we have been
rolling our own. Having a working source
distribution would help attract linux packagers,
I think.

well if that is really the case you have failed on several levels

- you didn't really have used or tried the source tarball
- you didn't gave the appropriate and necessary feedback
- you didn't helped to fix your concerns relating the source release. At least 
it seems you have some concerns

Sure, I am not perfect but you can't really blame the
messenger if the package was broken.

I have huge experience packaging stuff for my own selfish
purposes in the past (BRL-CAD, FEM utilities, stuff like that),
however I am not a ports committer/packager myself;
I am a src committer. You can see my work in some sound
drivers, the ext2fs implementation and some compiler
updates. I have been very busy between kernel coding
and the AOO SVN stuff to work also on the AOO

The vast packaging work in FreeBSD has been done by
Maho-san for several years and he has been so efficient
I haven't really had to intervene other than to give some
minor suggestions. He is a ports committer and I am so
glad he has been around to take care of things.

I have been busy on some updates and I only noticed
a few days ago that we are not using the source tarballs
provided by Apache. I can't really test everything behind
a release and, with due respect, all I do is voluntary work
so I do have to spend my time in other activities too.

I am attempting to provide some feedback here but
I would suggest you ask the guys doing Ubuntu or
Debian packaging if they are using the src tarballs
and how we can make the packaging easier.

That makes me really thinking ...

Please stop imagining things. I know you guys are not
happy about having to do extra reshuffling in the tree
and playing with scripts to adapt things to what *I*
think is the Apache way. In all honesty let's admit I had
mentioned this was a grey area since a long time ago
and I have even offered to step aside and let
the project evolve on it's own.


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