On Aug 16, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:

> On 16.08.2012 12:48, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 09:30:13AM +0200, Andre Fischer wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I'm a bit cranky right now. My cpan disappeared while trying
>>>> to assure that I had the now required LWP::UserAgent. No one tested
>>>> the new download_external_dependencies.pl properly.
>>> 1. LWP::UserAgent has been a prerequisite for years.  But I think
>>>    I remember that it was temporarily removed from one of the older
>>>    platform specific build instruction pages.
>>> 2. Can you be more specific regarding your problems with
>>>    download_external_dependencies.pl so that I can fix it?  It exists
>>>    under this name for more than two months and since it is used in
>>>    every setup of a build I would say that it is fairly well tested.
>>>    But that does not mean that it is error free.
>> He might have found something similar to this:
>> http://markmail.org/message/pqre775ds3m4y3jg
> Hm, I did not perceive this as a persisting problem.  It seemed to have a 
> simple solution.

That was exactly the trouble. Somewhere in the build guide this should 
highlighted under Perl Dependencies. The other part is that it should describe 
the proper cpan commands.

I basically ended up with my permissions modified on cpan. I fixed this and 
then I had to upgrade LWP::UserAgent

The building guide needs to be oriented towards a rather neophyte developer.

Already we getting the guides lined up with the README.

>> He has LWP::UserAgent but it's too old, a method is missing, so he tries
>> to update the module with cpan. Updating Perl like this may brake other
>> things in your system, I prefer keeping the system as it came, and
>> install a local perl version.
> If that is really the problem and updating Perl really is such a problem (I 
> never experienced it as one) then I could try to make the use of 
> LWP::UserAgent more compatible with older versions.
> The biggest problem might be to lay hands on such old versions in a running 
> system.

Having clear update LWP::UserAgent instructions for those who don't know cpan 
would be enough.


>> IMO there is no fix for this: we check the perl version, we check the
>> presence of LWP::UserAgent, but: does it make sense to check the
>> LWP::UserAgent version too? Is it possible at all? The perl module does
>> not document when a specific method was introduced, or I least
>> I couldn't find that info in
>> http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-6.04/lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm there
>> is not such thing as a @since tag.
> First we have to identify this as a real problem.  Then we (I, you, or 
> anybody else) are certainly able to find a solution.  We might even use an 
> alternative to LWP::UserAgent.
> -Andre

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