
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> The interesting thing is the breakdown by OpenOffice client version.
> For the upgrade installs on Sept 19th we see:
> 31% of upgrades were from AOO 3.4.0
> 52% of upgrades were from OOo 3.3.0
> 15% of upgrades were from OOo 3.2.1
> 3% of upgrades were from OOo 3.2.0

Very good stats.

My observations are that people / companies are still using the old
versions, as we can see.

I believe it can be:

01 - Not aware of new versions;
02 - Lack of credibility to update;
03 - Security and trust in the new versions;
04 - Expect more versions stable and reliable, and this version was
after a good period of change.
05 - Do not want to upgrade;


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