I just wanted to give everyone a heads up if they plan on dealing with
JavaDX. Since JavaDX must link against shared libraries at runtime, if
you have format such as netcdf compiling in -- that are not made as
shareable libraries, javadx is going to have problems.

The solution? Not quite sure yet. I'm not positive if all of the format
libraries can be built as shareable or not. I've been messing around
with libtool, but there are some problems dealing with it as well. It
may be time to do a brainstorming session of how to reorganize the
libraries. Creating shared and static versions of each. Libtool does
have some excellent features but they assume that you have your project
set up a specific way.

Suhaib, since I haven't compiled stuff for Windows, what is your take on
using libtool? Does it solve or create problems?

I also have some questions that I've fired off to the libtool group in
terms of our loadable modules. That is where I'm really stuck right now,
and we'll see if libtool can accomodate for them.


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