I vote with trying to go with libtool. Of course that is assuming that I have a
vote :) I realize that getting things to work "the libtool way" may not be easy
at first, but once you get it going, the routine maintainance on various
platforms is reduced. I started off trying to tweak Makefiles by hand for
various platforms, moved on to Imake, which was never really sucessfull since
most installations never had working Imake installations. From there I moved
into autoconf/automake, which was great for making programs, but when it came
to shared libraries was still a nightmare. If you can live with libtools rules,
you open up a whole slew of platforms that you could never test for yourself.
If the libtool folks know anything, they know how to make a library on more
platforms than the average person........

Anyway, enough of this, I have a tarball to roll, and I still may have to
justify why I broke a code freeze to get David's "conveince" translations
working..... So much to do, so little time........

On 12-Jan-00 at 21:11, David Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I just wanted to give everyone a heads up if they plan on dealing with
> JavaDX. Since JavaDX must link against shared libraries at runtime, if
> you have format such as netcdf compiling in -- that are not made as
> shareable libraries, javadx is going to have problems.
> The solution? Not quite sure yet. I'm not positive if all of the format
> libraries can be built as shareable or not. I've been messing around
> with libtool, but there are some problems dealing with it as well. It
> may be time to do a brainstorming session of how to reorganize the
> libraries. Creating shared and static versions of each. Libtool does
> have some excellent features but they assume that you have your project
> set up a specific way.
> Suhaib, since I haven't compiled stuff for Windows, what is your take on
> using libtool? Does it solve or create problems?
> I also have some questions that I've fired off to the libtool group in
> terms of our loadable modules. That is where I'm really stuck right now,
> and we'll see if libtool can accomodate for them.
> David

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