This is some of the stuff that libtool takes care of. It can take and put the appropriate information into the header of the library and binaries for linkages. In fact, this is how I noticed that the netcdf and other libraries need to have shareable versions installed when using javadx (libtool told me so.). If nothing else, I may add the libtool functionality just for the javadx branch of the tree. But I'd rather add full functionality right off the bat.

One of the things that I'd like to have available while adding this functionality is a test set that I could build for checking validity of libs and executables. Do we have a module that would test a fair amount of the dxlibs when linked in as an inboard, outboard, and loadable and executed from a script? I already have the autoconf stuff set up for most platforms for a loadable and to add the functionality for outboard and inboard shouldn't take too much. Something that would require DXlite and libDX might be good. (On that thread, is there a chance that libDX could be broken into two libraries? DXlite and OtherDX? If they were shareable, then libDX wouldn't have to be so big.)

Can someone send me a good dx-link program that could test the DXL library? (Why does the shareable code with javadx only link to a subset of DXL?)

Opinions, suggestions?


Well, thanks, but again, LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't working for me on aix 4.3.2.
When it seems to work it is only a coincidence, the load succeeds when the shared lib is fortuitously in one of the directories in dxexec's

David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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