As I told you, I have no funding yet, therefore I  cannot register. Will
miss the early bird registration, unfortunately.
Jussara R?tzsch
D, MSc
Director, OpenEHR Foundation
Owner, Giant Global Graph ehealth Solutions

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Leslie <>
Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 1:57 AM
Subject: FW: Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946
To: For openEHR clinical discussions <openehr-clinical at>

Hi everyone,****

** **

We have confirmation of acceptance of our Clinical Modelling Tutorial for
Medinfo, with the details pretty much unchanged from our original
submission for a workshop.****

** **

I will submit the tutorial description, such that it is unchanged from our
original submission, as requested.****

** **

Please note that presenters are required to register for the conference and
today is the last day for Early Bird registrations. Those that volunteered
at the original time of submission were:****

**?         **Ian McNicoll****

**?         **Rong Chen****

**?         **Jussara Macedo****

**?         **Shinji Kobayashi****

**?         **Anze Droljc****

**?         **And maybe myself, if I can get myself half way around the
world in time J****

** **


** **


** **

*From:* Leong Tze Yun [mailto:leongty at]
*Sent:* Friday, 26 April 2013 3:37 PM
*To:* Heather Leslie
*Cc:* spc at
*Subject:* Re: Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946

** **

Dear Heather,****

** **

Thanks for your reply. We will be glad to convert Submission 946 to a
tutorial. You will receive the formal notification soon. In the mean time,
would you please prepare a 350 word description of your tutorial so that we
can put it up on the website? Please include educational goals, topics
covered, learning outcomes. background required, and instructors info. ****

** **

Also, please note that all the instructors are required to register for the
conference ? the Early Bird deadline has been postponed til today, 26 April
2013. So you can still take advantage of the substantial discounts.****

** **

We look forward to meeting you in Copenhagen.****

** **

With best regards,****

** **

Tze Yun and Dominik****

Medinfo 2013, SPC Co-Chairs****

** **

*From: *Heather Leslie <heather.leslie at>
*Date: *Wednesday, 24 April, 2013 1:53 PM
*To: *Tze Yun Leong <leongty at>
*Cc: *"spc at" <spc at>
*Subject: *RE: Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946

** **

Dear Tze-Yun and Dominik,****


Many thanks for this second opportunity. I know that many people within the
openEHR community have expressed a desire to attend, if we can coordinate a


Based on my original submission, my answers to your questions are as

1/ What would be the educational objectives for the tutorial?****

**?         **The overall objective is to inform attendees about how the
openEHR approach to EHR development and most specifically, the openEHR
methodology for collaborative clinical content development and how this is
practically contributing to international EHR initiatives, by:****

**o    **Informing clinicians and domain experts about *open*EHR clinical
knowledge assets as agreed and common building blocks for sharing health
information at knowledge level.****

**o    **Informing about the *open*EHR Clinical Knowledge Manager as: an
online library of archetypes and templates; an international collaborative
portal for clinicians to review, agree and publish archetypes; and an
online tool to enable clinical knowledge artefact governance.****

**o    **Providing an understanding of the international, national and
local collaborations on EHRs and health IT projects using archetypes,
templates and the Clinical Knowledge Manager.****

**o    **Providing examples of archetypes in broad international practice -
EHRs, clinical decision support, clinical research and national eHealth


2/ What would be the topics to be covered in the tutorial? ****

   - Introduction to the openEHR approach to EHR development ****
   - Introduction to the openEHR clinical modelling methodology****

   - Clinical Requirements gathering and documentation****
      - Model development****
      - Clinician engagement and verification of models****
      - Knowledge governance****
      - Tooling available****

   - The methodology in international use by local experts:****

**o    **Supporting National & Regional programs ? Australia/UK****

**o    **Localizing openEHR models - Brazil & Japan****

**o    **Clinical Research - Japan****

**o    **Clinical Decision Support - Sweden****

**o    **EHR development - Slovenia****

Please let me know if you need further clarification. I sincerely wish for
this submission to be successful****


Kind Regards****




*Dr Heather Leslie*
Director of Clinical Modelling
*Ocean Informatics <>*
Phone (Aust) +61 (0)418 966 670
Skype - heatherleslie
Twitter - @omowizard****





*From:* Leong Tze Yun [mailto:leongty at <leongty at>]
*Sent:* Thursday, 11 April 2013 2:50 PM
*To:* Heather Leslie
*Cc:* spc at
*Subject:* Re: Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946


Dear Dr. Leslie,****


After careful considerations on all the tutorial proposals and the relevant
topics, we would like to check with you if you are still interested in
presenting your workshop in a single-session (180 minutes) tutorial format
at Medinfo 2013. ****


As there are other workshops/tutorials that are based on the OpenEHR
platform, this would involve some co-ordination with each other on the
content to be presented. Please let us know if this would be OK with you. **


If you are keen to pursue the above arrangement, we would like to request
for some clarifications on the following issues, before a final acceptance
decision is made:****


1/ What would be the educational objectives for the tutorial?****


2/ What would be the topics to be covered in the tutorial? ****


Thank you again for submitting your proposal to Medinfo 2013. We look
forward to hearing from you soon.****


With best regards,****


Tze-Yun and Dominik****

Medinfo 2013 Scientific Program Co-Chairs****



*From: *Heather Leslie <heather.leslie at>
*Date: *Thursday, 14 March, 2013 11:16 AM
*To: *"spc at" <spc at>
*Subject: *RE: Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946


Dear Sir or Madam,****


Given that our submission was rejected on the grounds that it was more
suited for a different format and not for lack of merit, is it possible for
this to be reconsidered as a tutorial?****


This approach that we wish to share is gaining significant international
traction and in all other conferences attracts significant interest. In
fact, at MIE in Sweden our workshop on openEHR was the only one to achieve
sufficient registrants to actually run.****


I would respectfully ask your committee to reconsider our proposal,
specifically because of the reviewers comments re needing a different
format, not that the proposal was not of use or interest. I also note the
reviewers specifically point out the strengths of the proposal coming from
a panel of very experienced implementers and a clear educational purpose.***


Many thanks for your reconsideration,****




Heather Leslie ****


*Dr Heather Leslie*
Director of Clinical Modelling
*Ocean Informatics <>*
Phone (Aust) +61 (0)418 966 670
Skype - heatherleslie
Twitter - @omowizard****

*From:* Medinfo2013
[mailto:mailrobot at<mailrobot at>]

*Sent:* Thursday, 14 March 2013 3:05 AM
*To:* heather.leslie at
*Subject:* Medinfo 2013 - Scientific Program Committee Decision, Id: 946****

Medinfo 2013****


*MEDINFO 2013 - Decision on Submission ID MEDINFO-946*****

12th March 2013****


Dear Dr. Heather Leslie,

Thank you for submitting your contribution entitled The international
impact of openEHR clinical content models (Id=946) to MEDINFO 2013, the
14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics to be held from
August 20-23 2013 at the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Medinfo 2013 received a very large number of submissions, with more than
500 papers and more than 200 posters. All submitted papers were reviewed by
a minimum of two reviewers and members of the Scientific Program Committee
(SPC). All submitted posters, workshops, panels, and scientific
demonstrations were reviewed by members of the SPC. Given the constraints
of the limited meeting length and space, and the high quality of the
submissions, the SPC was forced to make some difficult decisions this year.

Unfortunately, your submission was not accepted for the conference program.
We appreciated your submission; comments from the reviewers are listed
below and we hope that they are informative and helpful.

MEDINFO 2013 Decision: Not Accepted

We hope that you can still join the international biomedical informatics
community at MEDINFO in Copenhagen. The early bird deadline is April 15,
2013. You can register and get additional information about the conference
program, tutorial, on-site program, etc. at:

Warm Regards

Dominik Aronsky & Tze-Yun Leong, SPC Co-chairs

Reviewers' Comments

This proposal is more suitable for a tutorial. The authors do not clearly
describe audience engagement strategies.THe strengths come from a panel of
experimented implementers of openEHR archetypes and a clear educational
purpose, but it lacks methodology to encourage attendees to interact with
the presenters. ****

[image: Medinfo 2013 - logo] <>****

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