Hi Heather,

I think alive is a state, death is an event. For oncology research,
death is the most important event and we need relevant data.
Once I gathered more than 50 patients records across about 5 hospitals
in order to assess survival curve of leukemia treatment. I marked the
date of death of each patients, and the last date that patients were
confirmed to be alive(outpatient or inpatient) as ceased date of
The death archetype seems helpful for such research. I think
researcher would judge patient was alive if there are some records
except death.


2016-01-05 15:43 GMT+09:00 Heather Leslie <heather.les...@oceaninformatics.com>:
> Hi everyone,
> Seeking some advice please.
> In the context of a data registry or research database to record if a person
> is alive or dead. Maybe there might be an alternative value of ‘unsure’ or
> ‘indeterminate’ as well, I guess.
> I’m wondering if there is any naming convention for this data element – I’ve
> come across ‘Alive status’ and ‘Vital status’ by googling and researching
> all the places I can think of. Surprisingly there seems very little
> available on the topic. SNOMED CT has alive and dead within the ‘General
> clinical state finding (finding)’ hierarchy, although ‘deceased’ is part of
> the ‘Finding related to general body function (finding)’ hierarchy.
> ‘Living status’ was proposed on a forum, but seems a bit weird if they are
> dead.
> To add to the confusion, the requirements I am modelling uses the name
> ‘Status’ (which needs some sort of archetype context) and the values are
> ‘Alive’ and ‘Deceased’ which cross the SNOMED CT hierarchies!
> We could just be very pragmatic and label the data element ‘Alive vs Dead?’
> Curious problem – I thought there would be more on the internets J.
> Any wisdom you can share would be most appreciated.
> And then I guess we need to think of related data elements that might be
> grouped with this status.
> Regards
> Heather
> Dr Heather Leslie MBBS FRACGP FACHI
> Consulting Lead, Ocean Informatics
> Clinical Programme Lead, openEHR Foundation
> p: +61 418 966 670   skype: heatherleslie   twitter: @omowizard
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