well the problem with continuing to use ADL 1.4 is the in a) weaknesses modelling semantics (much weaker in 1.4) b) errors caused by lack of differential representation of specialised archetypes (a major problem) and c) different representation of templates (in ADL2 they are built-in).

Implementations can standardise on OPT 1.4 without difficulty for some time, but this doesn't require continued use of ADL 1.4 for modelling.

- thomas

On 01/03/2017 12:54, Ian McNicoll wrote:
Hi Thomas / Bert,

I think you will find a significant pain point in the modelling community. Agree that for now 1.4 .opt is going to be best for implementers but as I understand things a 2.0 .opt and related RM changes would not be radically different, in any case.

The big difference, and gain (once we get over the line) is much easier handling of design-time artefacts, and potential extensibility.

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