On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 16:16:28 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> probably not  invented so often - just c&p'd from searches of occurances of 
>> System.gc ;-)
> Yes, exactly.
> @FlorianKirmaier Proposing to add test class to the test infrastructure would 
> be a reasonable alternative to pulling it in as a third-party dependency. I 
> recommend separating it out into its own enhancement, with a separate JBS 
> issue. I see that it has a dependency on the `jdk.management` module. As long 
> as that dependency only surfaces as a test dependency, that won't be a 
> problem. It would be nice if it were available to all modules, meaning that 
> putting it somewhere in `javafx.base` would be good.

I would urge caution about incorporating JMemoryBuddy without seeking out 
advice from GC experts. I have my doubts that it will work reliably given its 
reliance on System.gc(). (Opinion is my own, not my employer's).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/71

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