On Wed, 7 Feb 2024 15:06:18 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> There are a number of tickets open related to text rendering:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8314215
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8145496
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8129014
>> They have in common that wrapped text is taking the trailing spaces on each 
>> wrapped line into account when calculating where to wrap.  This looks okay 
>> for text that is left aligned (as the spaces will be trailing the lines and 
>> generally aren't a problem, but looks weird with CENTER and RIGHT 
>> alignments.  Even with LEFT alignment there are artifacts of this behavior, 
>> where a line like `AAA  BBB  CCC` (note the **double** spaces) gets split up 
>> into `AAA  `, `BBB  ` and `CCC`, but if space reduces further, it will wrap 
>> **too** early because the space is taken into account (ie. `AAA` may still 
>> have fit just fine, but `AAA  ` doesn't, so the engine wraps it to `AA` + `A 
>>  ` or something).
>> The fix for this is two fold; first the individual lines of text should not 
>> include any trailing spaces into their widths; second, the code that is 
>> taking the trailing space into account when wrapping should ignore all 
>> trailing spaces (currently it is ignoring all but one trailing space).  With 
>> these two fixes, the layout in LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT alignments all look great, 
>> and there is no more early wrapping due to a space being taking into account 
>> while the actual text still would have fit (this is annoying in tight 
>> layouts, where a line can be wrapped early even though it looks like it 
>> would have fit).
>> If it were that simple, we'd be done, but there may be another issue here 
>> that needs solving: wrapped aligned TextArea's.
>> TextArea don't directly support text alignment (via a setTextAlignment 
>> method like Label) but you can change it via CSS.
>> For Left alignment + wrapping, TextArea will ignore any spaces typed before 
>> a line that was wrapped.  In other words, you can type spaces as much as you 
>> want, and they won't show up and the cursor won't move.  The spaces are all 
>> getting appended to the previous line.  When you cursor through these 
>> spaces, the cursor can be rendered out of the control's bounds.  To 
>> illustrate, if you have the text `AAA                 BBB CCC`, and the text 
>> gets wrapped to `AAA`, `BBB`, `CCC`, typing spaces before `BBB` will not 
>> show up.  If you cursor back, the cursor may be outside the control bounds 
>> because so many spaces are trailing `AAA`.
>> The above behavior has NOT changed, is pretty standard for wrapped text 
>> controls,...
> John Hendrikx has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains 16 additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Merge branch 'openjdk:master' into feature/wrapped-aligned-text-rendering
>  - Fix test comment
>  - More test cases (for hard wrapping) and another small fix
>  - Improve tests, fix a bug
>  - Fix bug which confused char index with glyph index
>  - Move test that needs QuantumToolkit to system tests
>  - Clean-up, re-enable and extend ancient TextLayout test
>  - TextRun getAdvance should return 0 when positions array is null
>  - Fix justify alignment to take all trailing spaces into account
>  - Fix trailing space calculation to access positions array directly
>  - ... and 6 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/compare/c1e97be2...388696a6

I fixed the slight inaccuracies surrounding the float/double conversion but it 
didn't fix the flickering scrollbar.

My theory is now that how the wrap width of the `Text` node is updated is not 
entirely legal (I posted on the mailinglist to see if anyone can remember how 
this is supposed to work when you update a value (that may cause layout 
changes) based on a property that is already changed by layout code).

What I'm thinking is that `ScrollPane.viewportBoundsProperty`, which is only 
set in `layoutChildren` of its skin, should not be bound to the `Text` wrapping 
width -- a layout is already running, and updating another property that will 
affect layout will result in undefined behavior.  I see the same issue when I 
bind that value to a simple `Label`'s text -- the text width is often incorrect 
resulting in an ellipsis being displayed.  So I'm thinking the reason the 
horizontal scroll bar appears on the `ScrollPane` is because the bounds it 
calculated were based on the previous `Text`'s wrapping width, and is not 
recalculated again when we update the `Text` wrapping width **during** layout.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1236#issuecomment-1935203621

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