Werner Koch ha scritto:
The new PKCS#11 header *is* a derivative work of the original RSA
interface. If you think implementing RSA PKCS#11 in OpenSC makes it a

No, it is not a derivative work.

You missed the first point of my email and are all focusing on the second one. Implementing an interface doesn't produce a 'derivative work', so the problem doesn't exist and doesn't need to be fixed. Ok, the RSA headers are not GPLed, and then? Who cares? We are not going to extend or modify them, we are implementing the official RSA PKCS#11 standard after all! Saying the new headers are not a derivative work, when the standard defines exactly the functions and the types that are also present (for simplicity of use) in the headers, seems *at least* curious to me and I'm sure many lawyers won't agree with you.

We are trying to eliminate a non-problem, possibly creating another one. I'm sure OpenSC users would prefer to see code changes and improvements rather than interface rewrites for GPL fanatism (ops, yes, I said it, but it seems the thread took this direction).

Alessandro Premoli

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