On Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> Ok, the RSA headers are not GPLed, and then? Who cares? We are not
> going to extend or modify them, we are implementing the official RSA
> PKCS#11 standard after all!

The headers from RSA come with a license that is not compatible to the
GPL: They had further restrictions, namley the requirement to identify
"in all material mentioning or referencing this software" the used RSA
software.  The GPL has no such requirement and thus both licenses are

> defines exactly the functions and the types that are also present (for
> simplicity of use) in the headers, seems *at least* curious to me and
> I'm sure many lawyers won't agree with you.

Well, if you think I am not right here, please take this case to a FSF
compliance lab to get their legal opinion.  Or ask any lawyer with
knowledge of Free Software licensing.

> We are trying to eliminate a non-problem, possibly creating another
> one. I'm sure OpenSC users would prefer to see code changes and
> improvements rather than interface rewrites for GPL fanatism (ops,

It is not about fanatism but about a legal requirement.  You want
OpenSC to be used in business?  Yes?  Then you need to assure them
that there are no legal conflicts in using OpenSC. 

Remember the SCO case?  It costs IBM and others millions of dollars to
defend against these claims.  Those claims are really absurd and it is
hard for SCO to show evidence - the RSA header files are different,
they are really clear in their license conditions and no sane business
would take the risk to go to court against them.

Instead of debating, I told Marcus to come up with clean code to get
rid of this annoying requirement due to the RSA headers and solve the
problem once and for all.



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