On Apr 29, 2010, at 11:03 , Viktor TARASOV wrote:
> Martin Paljak wrote:
>> On Apr 29, 2010, at 08:43 , gilles Bernabé wrote:
>>> Oh  interesting, but Java is much more heavy, if I remember correctly the 
>>> Java plugin(JRE + JDK) is more than 40mb, the XPCOM plugin just takes some 
>>> kb once installed.
>> The ups and downs of Java have been interesting, but these days, with 1.6 
>> supporting javax.smartcardio it has become quite sexy - no need for locally 
>> installed software or scary JNI bridges (like PKCS#11) so it is possible to 
>> implement card access software entirely inside and applet so that nothing 
>> needs to be installed on the client side. And of course - applets work 
>> almost in every browser whereas XPCOM does not. 
> You mean to place 'light' (but fully functional) OpenSC into the applet ?
That would be a nice idea. But there's no (AFAIK) set standard or requirements 
(other than what I know from online signature plugin requirements in Estonia) 
for such an API. Don't know if JCE would fit in the picture, maybe something 
lightweight, similar to PKCS#11 would be a good idea.

There are two implementations of PKCS#15 parsing that could work on top of 
javax.smartcardio, one from opensc-java and one from javacardsign host side 
component [1]. A unified "PKCS#15 ASN.1 Java package" on top of 
javax.smartcardio could do miracles, including initialization/enrollment over 

[1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/Java#PKCS15inJava
Martin Paljak

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