This thread is really interesting looking from an italian perspective.

Viktor mentioned the fact that in Italian CNS card PIN and signature are
secure messaging protected, as reported by Emanuele Pucciarelli that
created also some patches[1] to support that cards in OpenSC.

Unfortunately the sm 3DES keys needed are static, and usually embedded
in proprietary pkcs11 libs, so no chance to have a true open source
implementation at this time.

IAS-ECC specification describes a "Device authentication with Privacy
Protection" scheme[2] where sm session keys are negotiated each time
using a protocol similar to TLS.

I have looked at the code posted by Viktor at

and it seems to me that that part is still not covered. Is it correct?

Me and many people in Italy are really interested in this activity,
hopefully soon or later CNS specification (valid for Italian eID as
well) in the future would be aligned to IAS-ECC, and in that case almost
all widespread cards in Italy (several millions) would be supported by

Roberto Resoli

20/IAS%20ECC%20v1_0_1UK.pdf , Chapter 5.2.3 "Device authentication with
privacy protection"

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