On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 14:00, Anders Rundgren
<anders.rundg...@telia.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure I understand entirely; so the system uses a digital
>> signature, but would you know if it uses secure messaging too?
> They do not use SM.  If they did somebody would reverse engineer
> the software and claim "victory" or something like that :-)

Er, right, been there… 0:-)

> SM was probably designed for usage in certified terminals so that the card
> wouldn't do anything interesting except in such a device.

Which is the idea in CWA 14890-1, as far as I can tell, paragraph 8.2:
the card holder decides whether the environment is trusted or not, and
if it is, the path is already trusted, without a need for secure
messaging. The examples of untrusted environments are limited to
signing application and SSCD being in different physical locations, or

>> Do I infer correctly that the system uses secure messaging, but
>> client-side software is limited to relaying encoded APDUs that are
>> generated/decoded by the server-side application?
> You mean SKS/KeyGen2?
> Yes, the client software is a semi-trusted proxy that does the heavy
> lifting including XML encoding/decoding, networking, and GUI but it is
> still a fully E2ES (End To End Secured) solution with user PIN setting
> as the only exception.  If the proxy does not relay properly the
> system will abort in one of the ends (SKS or issuer).
> It is like Global Platform's SCP80 on steroid's.

I was thinking of the Swedish system, but you answered me by telling
me it doesn't use SM. Besides, I started looking at KeyGen2 yesterday,
so the clarification is welcome :)


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