
On Sep 27, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee> wrote:
>>> Please explain in some more details what is the problem with current
>>> trunk, so I can fix it.
>> I'd like to clean up doc directory, the api directory and the symlinking in 
>> doc/Makefile.am are not needed for manpage generation.
>> That was one of the changes in my original patch that actually triggered the 
>> distcheck problem, removing wiki dumping was not a problem.
>> If you could also fix my original root cause would be great.
> I worked very hard to make it work in the past, I do not think there
> is a simpler shorter way to do this.
> The problem is that automake assume you seldom provide generated files
> within the source tarball, as you can always generate the files when
> you build the package.
> What we are trying to do is to provide pre-generated document files
> within the tarball, I don't like it, but this was the requirement.
> Doing so, when we need to support separate build directory is somewhat
> complex, as we cannot make the source directory dirty.
Does this actually break anything in real life, other than make distcheck?

make dist from a svn checkout works, generates the man files and they are 
present in the distribution targzip. make install from the same targzip also 
works. What exactly does make distcheck help (I tried reading the explanation 
in their manual [1] but that did not make anything much clearer) ?
As the fail comes from a cp command and not xsltproc command, I assume the 
comment in doc/Makefile.am [2] is not correct?
It seems like an automake issue, not xsltproc, which just requires correct 

> But... the only dependency we require is xsltproc, so maybe we can
> rethink this... Provided you agree that building the package with
> --enable-doc or --enable-man requires xsltproc available on build
> machine, we can remove all this useless generation and hacks.

I think it is not a huge problem to require xsltproc, it is quite common and 
small. What bothers me more is docbook-xsl. But the target audience of people 
who run make dist and who run make install is different.
But maybe there's more in the autotools philosophy that I don't fully get.

As the only documentation other than man pages is tools.html (should that be 
placed on the  website somewhere?) one of --enable-doc or --enable-man is 

[2] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/browser/trunk/doc/Makefile.am#L45


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