
Attached is the updated proposal which is also archived (diff below).
The modification is to remove the Primary Administrator rights from
the user at install time.



*** proposal.txt.orig   Thu Feb 25 08:53:52 2010
--- proposal.txt        Fri Feb 26 13:52:00 2010
*** 13,19 ****
      2.1. Project Description:
           Updates Users screen of Solaris GUI installer.

!               The proposed updates are in response to Bug 1436 [1].

   4. Technical Description:
      4.1. Details:
--- 13,19 ----
      2.1. Project Description:
           Updates Users screen of Solaris GUI installer.

!       The proposed updates are in response to Bug 1436 [1] and 4885 [4]

   4. Technical Description:
      4.1. Details:
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,33 ----
      - Entry of users login name and password is now mandatory.
      - Default root password is set to initial login password specified 

+    This case also implement the removal or Primary Administrator 
privileges for
+    the initial user created. See [4]
      4.2. Interfaces:

         Exported Interfaces           Stability             Comments
*** 59,61 ****
--- 62,66 ----
      [3] UIRB/2007/264 Dwarf Caiman UIRB Review Materials

+    [4] User created by installer gets unsafe profile "Primary 

On 02/26/10 01:44 AM, Casper.Dik at Sun.COM wrote:
>> Since this case makes it mandatory that root is a role, it should also
>> make it mandatory to assume the root role in order to get a root shell.
>> The current behavior, whereby the user can get a root shell by typing
>> "pfexec bash" is a serious security flaw, and is inconsistent with the
>> RBAC implementation in Solaris. For example, such a sequence could be
>> embedded in any script which the user might execute, thereby becoming
>> root without the user's intent.
>> So I agree with Darren that this case is incomplete, unless it also
>> undoes the assignment of the Primary Administrator rights profile to the
>> initial user. IMHO, it would never have been approved if it had been
>> requested through the ARC process.
> Indeed; the new implementation of "in-kernel pfexec" makes this
> very clear; a user with a "Primary Administrator" as their profile,
> will get a "root" prompt when executing a pf*sh*.  (That's because
> the in-kernel pfexec executes a profile shell as if it is executed
> by pfexec)
> Casper
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