On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Garrett D'Amore <gdamore at sun.com> wrote:
> Again, I can't talk about the rationale for the bits that are closed being
> so.

It is pretty clear that the reason it is closed is because Oracle
feels the features, internal build coordination and configuration of
their own distro (OpenSolaris 2010.03 ...) are none of the community's
damn business.

Fine - I can live with the refreshingly honest view that the
OpenSolaris distro is Oracle's proprietary distro built on top of the
community's effort.  The implication of this behavior, though, is that
any "Oracle distro specific" changes, policies and customization must
remain part of Oracle's internal source trees and NOT be pushed back
out to pollute the community's repos.  If it ain't the community's
business now, the community really doesn't want the results shoved
down their throats.

This is no different in concept from EON, Nexenta, Belenix, OSUnix,
Shillix, Milax (etc...) having to keep *their* distro-specific bits
out of ON and the other OpenSolaris community repos.  Consider it
OpenSource Hygiene - proprietary behaviors (and their results) are not
welcome here.


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