"Garrett D'Amore" <gdamore at sun.com> wrote:

> I don't mean for that at all.  But the change of the default path is 
> being handled as part of PSARC 2010/067 -- i.e. that is the case (and 
> its still open) that started this whole mess.  I'm not a fan of the fact 
> that the case is closed, but I cannot discuss rationale for it being 
> closed in public, which I'm sure you understand.

My understanding of "OpenSolaris" is that uses a liberal license that
allows distributors to add closed parts. Internal decisions that affect
the closed parts only may of course be handled in a closed case.

My impression is however that a discussion about changing the default PATH 
is a discussion that affects all parts of Opensolaris and thus of course
affects "OpenSolaris" as a community platform (not a distro). For this reason,
related discussions should be made in the open.


 EMail:joerg at schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) J?rg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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