Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do you need more than one? We should have one solid working version that 
> does what we want. I use gtar because I like compression. It's a habit, and I 
> just use /usr/sfw/bin/gtar. I would rather just use tar and not have to worry 
> about which one I use.

And you create incompatible archives this way......
You should care about this fact.

If compression is the only feature you "need", better use star.

And BTW: star has aprox. twice as much features as GNU tar. 

The important issue with decisions like this is whether a small benefit
like (four you) the compression is it worth to use a nonstandard tool that
in the long term causes more trouble than it helps. As I already noted in 
another mail, I am currently not sure about your goals for this discussion.
If you like to start a discussion on "selecting the best application from
a list of similar ones for placing it into /usr/bin", we also need to talk
about general compatibility. This is where e.g. /usr/sfw/bin/gtar is creating


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