> Thanks maierkom for going where only the bold can be
> found ;)

I like to step forward, when I think I am not alone with my unpopular opinion. 
But as I know that most people are very sensible and hoped that some at least 
might know that I am a strong Solaris supporter (from 
comp.unix.solaris/programmer etc.), I took the risk of getting flamed.

> I agree with you 100% from a Sun VAR perspective,
> where we are in contact with end-users (admins) and
> clients all the time.
> 95% of the people out there doesn't use nearly all of
> the features contained in Solaris 10+ and as such
> form their opinion on the basic interface to the OS.
> 1. Installation !! To be honest, it sucks. Especially
> moving into the /linux and /windows worlds with the
> AMD offerings from Sun. These guys like to re-install
> (sorry), usually chopping and changing various
> servers (dozens?) from one job to another.
> Do remember that the volume AMD game are completely
> different to the E10K SPARC game (client) ... and I
> take lots of abuse concerning the installation of
> Solaris 10 (don't even mention CD's).

That's also my feeling. Especially, I am currently experiencing that people 
even don't give Solaris a try that could greatly benefit from testing their 
software on an additional plattform. I think Solaris is very interesting from a 
developers point of view with all those tools included. But the problem is you 
also have to be an admin to get Solaris up and running, in order to do your 
development stuff, which is IMHO not the case with the competitors.

> 2. The patch process .. well, I don't mind it
> honestly. In the old days a couple of big servers
> patched quickly ... OK, if you have 35 X4100's ...
> then patching becomes time consuming. I do however
> feel that Sun are trying to address this with various
> update/online/automated tools.

I don't like showing Solaris patch procedures to any Linux/whatever guy 
anymore, because it is so slooow that I know the first thing they say will be: 
"on xyz this goes faster". They aren't anymore interested at all in the 
procedures like live-upgrade or the documentation of patches, which are both 
vastly superior to anything I have seen in the FOSS area. But they don't care, 
because it is slow.

> 3. SMC ... omg. Sorry to say, but feedback from
> admins I've met are: "$%#%^". I wish someone could
> rewrite this, giving it some real meat without
> expecting a server to donate a kidney every time it
> starts... sorry.

I wish that it would be removed, NOW! I am currently introducing a guy into 
Solaris administration that is normally concerned with Windows and Linux stuff. 
Boy, I am really having a hard time convincing him not to touch SMC and to use 
the standard docs on docs.sun.com. Documentation in the FOSS area are so bad 
that everybody grabs a book and wouldn't believe that the standard docs are 
usable. Funny, somehow.

> Re the "slowlaris" term ... isn't it available under
> the CDDL, and as such Linux users can apply it to
> their favorite distro ... "slowbuntu", "slowhat" or
> "su-so-slow" :) But beware, Sun can turn around and
> use it for their personal gain ;)
> Cheers

Yeah! And penguins will never fly, although they are birds.

Thanks burgerw, for backing me ;-)
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