I think you're missing the point.  I'd say most of that 95% percent isn't
used through difficulty, but through ignorance.  For example, I'd say thay
95% of M$ Word's features are unused, but I don't see people claiming that
it is hard to use.

Correct. And us usual, Rich hits the nail right on the head, and I have to agree with him :-)

Try living where I do--and yes, I do know Solaris well.  :-(  On more than
one occassion, I've actually been told that I'm over qualified!

Again, very true. You can be competent 'till the cows come home, but that won't do You any good if You're up against blatant discrimination (there are no laws for that here, and even if there were, nobody gives a damn).

I've also been turned down for jobs because I had been over qualified, except that they "wrap it up" here in a slightly different wrap: "your profile doesn't match our requirements", even though I had a 100% match, could do everything listed on the job description, and had 5-10+ years of experience in everything they asked for.

So I completely agree with Rich and understand what he's going through. Didn't Dennis also blog about a similar situation? "Daddy is too senior."

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