> Quick questions since I haven't had time to setup the environment to 
> play with your patches yet.  Did you see any disks,

Yes, I see both the optical device and the s-ata hdd, both on
pci-ide controllers:

        pci-ide, instance #0 (driver name: pci-ide)
            ide, instance #0 (driver name: ata)
                sd, instance #0 (driver name: sd)
            ide (driver name: ata)
        pci-ide, instance #1 (driver name: pci-ide)
            ide, instance #2 (driver name: ata)
                cmdk, instance #0 (driver name: cmdk)
            ide (driver name: ata)

snv_34 should already contain the SATA framework,   but it doesn't
have support for Intel AHCI SATA ?  But the SATA HDD is apparently
detected as a PATA legacy device....

> or can't you type anything yet ?

The Mac USB keyboard works fine, as soon as the Solaris kernel and the
uhci driver is loaded.

> The reason I ask is RHEL4 didn't see the disk.

Hmm, the Solaris kernel sees the disk as c1d1
It seems the S-x86 ata driver is trying to use the EFI label on the
HDD, prtvtoc reports this:

* /dev/rdsk/c1d1s0 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
* 488396160 sectors
* 488397101 accessible sectors
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
*       First     Sector    Last
*       Sector     Count    Sector
*          34         6        39
*      409640 100663296 101072935
*   164062501 324334633 488397133
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       0     12    00         40    409600    409639
       2     17    00  101072936  62989565 164062500

s0 is the EFI system partition.  s2 is a Windows XP partition.
AFAICT, the EFI s1 partition is missing, it should contain the
Mac HFS+ volume.  Maybe a bug in the Solaris ata driver, 
when using EFI disk labels?

I'd expect that the standard Solaris x86 install software will produce
a nice mess on this EFI (& FDISK) partitioned HDD.   :-)
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