On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Stephen Lau wrote:

I don't understand why there is so much animosity being expressed here. The companion CD project, SunFreeware, and Blastwave have all co-existed peacefully prior to this discussion. Keith's proposal is to bring the companion CD project into the open community. Why is this so wrong?

I say this as someone who has no vested interest in Blastwave, Sunfreeware, or the companion CD but I still don't see the point, the "community" already has a more than one "project" to get pre-built open source software. I still can not see a reason to create yet another project unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the existing projects. I have no animosity towards Keith's proposal, just scratching my head and still wondering why it is even needed. Solaris/OpenSolaris has SFW so everything else you are on your own for anyway.

Besides Dennis has said something like this several times in this thread alone: if you think blastwave sucks then join the group and help fix things.

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