> On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Stephen Lau wrote:
>> I don't understand why there is so much animosity being expressed here.

  I think the problem is one of perception.

  I perceive that the OpenSolaris project is about opening the source
  to Solaris.

  The problem is that Solaris is a product.

  That product wants to now include Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL and
  a number of other things.  These did not all exist in Solaris 8
  and certainly SeaMonkey, GNU chess and Scribus never did.

  These have all been addressed at great expense of personal effort
  and extending partnerships within the Solaris Community.

  I perceive that Sun would now like to replace all of that with
  some new project in order to get all things open source, Linux
  or BSD or UNIX world or maybe even Windows based, into the software
  product known as Solaris in some sort of supported fashion.

  This is something that the Solaris Community has already been working

> I say this as someone who has no vested interest in Blastwave,
> Sunfreeware, or the companion CD but I still don't see the point, the
> "community" already has a more than one "project" to get pre-built open
> source software.  I still can not see a reason to create yet another
> project unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the existing
> projects.  I have no animosity towards Keith's proposal, just scratching
> my head and still wondering why it is even needed.  Solaris/OpenSolaris
> has SFW so everything else you are on your own for anyway.
> Besides Dennis has said something like this several times in this thread
> alone: if you think blastwave sucks then join the group and help fix
> things.

  Essentially, the lists server is at :


  Join the Solaris Community Software project ( CSW ) and join in.

  Get a login userid and get involved.  Tell the world that you want
  a package built for AMD64 on Solaris 10 Update 1 and you also want
  the same software for Solaris 8 sun4m.  Then build both.  Submit
  them both.  Do testing.  Release them.  Smile.

Dennis Clarke

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