> <snippity snip snip>
>> What packages should be migrated over and treated as parts of the
>> system?  I don't doubt that we've missed the boat here, and that there
>> are common parts that "everybody" installs.  Do we have a plan for
>> them?
>> I think it'd be great to have a place to discuss all this.  I don't
>> have a stake in this -- I don't really care whether the answer is
>> Blastwave, sunfreeware, companion CD, or anything else -- other than
>> seeing that the Open Solaris community looks at the problem seriously.
> Considering this is OpenSolaris, I'd like to see it here. I don't want to
> have discussions strewn about all over the world, and I really don't want
> to have to hunt down whichever group of people is working on whichever
> chunk of OSOL. No thanks, let's keep it all in one spot.


  Have you seen the wiki at genunix.org ?

  The PowerPC project at http://polaris.blastwave.org/

Dennis Clarke

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