On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 13:26 +1200, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 14:52 -0500, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > Another +1 here.
> > 
> > And for another huge reason why it's important to go hash it out ASAP, 
> > consider the build systems that the other distros are planning/doing for 
> > freeware apps:
> > 
> > - The SchilliX project plans to implement the SchilliX build system (SPS)
> > 
> > - The Belenix project plans to implement the pkgsrc build system.
> > 
> > - The Nexenta project already implements a Debian build system (with 
> > _huge_ success I might add).
> > 
> > IMO, these distros are critically important to a goal we all share; 
> > namely, to increase the popularity of OpenSolaris among the broader 
> > worldwide open-source/UNIX/Linux community. Yet none of them has 
> > endorsed either the Companion or Blastwave.
> +1
> I personally believe its fundamentally important to have a shared
> infrastructure available that allows people to easily create a tailor
> made distribution of their own choice based on OpenSolaris technology.
> What Debian/Ubuntu have done is freaking cool, and we have an ideal
> opportunity to implement something similar with less complication.

>From my experience, I found that real value behind Debian is NOT
dpkg/apt-get/etc, but its huge, growing and successful community.


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