On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> Even if you got them to use the exact same font, the software they use for
> drawing text is so different it will still not look the same.   If it's a
> bitmap font it will be closer, but TrueType fonts won't even have the same
> appearance, much less spacing, since GNOME/GTK+ apps will be using the open
> source FreeType font engine to render the font, while CDE uses the commercial
> Bitstream font engine built into the X server to do the same.

Ah ha, interesting...  Line spacing issues aside, Lucida Sans
Typewrite at 9 points is OK (but I still prefer dtterm's look).
Does the latter point about Bitstream fonts also apply to the
xorg X server?

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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