Rich Teer wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Darren J Moffat wrote:

Why not migrate to gnome-terminal then.  I uses the same multi threaded

Maybe one day, when gnome-terminal supports all I want (including
the ability to have terminals open 132 columns wide without having
to manually resixe them,

gnome-terminal --geometry=132x50

> and to be able to use the Page Up/Down
keys without shifting).

That one I can't help you with, I always had this shifted even in my highly customised xterm.

architecture that dtterm does (ie on gnome-terminal program lots of child
shells), it even supports tabs.

Not having played with them much, I don't see the atraction of tabbed terms
vs multiple windows...

Me neither but some people do which is why I mentioned it.

You can select Green on Black as directly from the terminal config.

Yep, got that (although reverse text is a little bit bright for me).

Change the colour palette scheme.

I use "Bitstream Sans Vera Mono 10" as my default terminal font.  A very nice
font it is too, especially since it anti-aliases nicely!

Just tried that; I'm not a fan of the "zero with a dot in it".  Call
me oldfashioned, but I prefer my zeros to have a slash through them
(if anything).

At least it has something to distingish it from O :-)

Darren J Moffat
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