> I have certainly wondered the same.
> I know that, at least for some time in the late '90's, that several
> versions of linux shipped with some form of Openwin/open look + OLVWM,
> so it must be open to some extent.

  I know that there are a number of minimalistic desktops out there.

  anything is possible ... given legal release

> I am currently running Solaris 10 on Sparc with the Openwin packages
> installed from Solaris 8 with no problems.

  I have tried the same thing and seen good results.  Further proof
  that anything that ran on Solaris 8 will run on Solaris 10.

  I can't think of an exception to that rule yet.

>  I don't know if something similar would be
> possible using binaries from Solaris 2.5.1 PPC?

 Geez .. that will be tough.  First pass out of the gate should have "some"
sort of nod towards backwards compatibility.  But only a nod.

> Please post a follow up on what you find.  Others are interested.
> Jerry Kemp

Thanks Jerry, will do.

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