Nicolas Linkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [I really should not reply to rubbish like this but it really, really makes 
> me very angry when someone spreads lies and FUD]

Could you please stop to publish youe lies and FUD?

The Nexenta project has similar problems with Debian as I have
and the same aplies to the Apache project.

Nexenta suffers from the CDDL FUD spread by Debian
and Apache (as I have been told by the Apache project leader) 
suffers from the fact that Debian applies unneeded patches that
make Apache behave different on from all other OS if you are on Debian.

If you did take some time to look at cdrtools instead of speading lies
on it, you would see that the patches Debian aplies on cdrtools are from 
the following categories:

-       They are of the same category as mentioned with Apache: They
        make cdrtools behave uselessly different on Debian.

-       They hide bugs rather than fixing them. This is unaceptable
        for a quality oriented project.

-       They add features in a way that breaks cdrtools on all other 

-       They add features in a poor coding quality so that it would take
        me a lot less time to implement these features from scratch than
        trying to integrate the patch from Debian.

If Debian people ignore constraints from the fact that cdrtools compile/work
on ~ 30 different platforms with completely different concepts and instead
like to see cdrtools to become Linux centric, they are obviously not the right 
people to have technical based discusions on the related topics.

But please note: this is definitely not a discussion anymore that belongs
to opensolaris-discuss.


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