Christopher Mahan wrote:

>--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Perhaps so; but we don't want to compromise o quality :-)
>>I think, though, that you would need the "baptism by fire" first;
>>a bit of a Catch-22, but in my experience it was a real eye opener.
>I feel maybe we're getting closer to the issue. I think a lot of
>people are put off by the perceived complexity of submitting code to
In my case it's more a matter of time.  I can live with process, having
been a developer for a long time :)

>I also think that not compromising on quality is a good
>goal, but that you have to understand that the community only
>produces Very Good Code only through an iterative process. I think it
>has to start with "barely works", proceed to "works in most cases",
>on to "works all the time on all platforms",  followed by "we made it
>relatively fast" to finally "it's screaming fast". 

OK, provided the first three occur before the code finds its way back. 
I also believe strongly that such an iterative approach can only work if
stringent tests for the code exist, preferably before the code is
written.  Then the changes made to get to "it's screaming fast" can be
made without regression.

>I think that
>expecting one person to follow through from start to finish by
>himself is too harsh, and only a few very motivated people will do
I disagree, the developer(s) have to see the process through, you can't
just lob the code over the wall and hope someone will catch it.

>I think you need to look at something like Debian, maybe having a
>unstable release, where everybody and their brother can go check in
>code that may break stuff, and then the community members can come in
>and find bugs, talk about them, fix them, and encourage/support each
>other. That would, I think, really chafe the Sun Engineering Way, but
>I am fairly confident it would get more people involved, regardless
>of license. 
Sound like a recipe for chaos to me, but I haven't been involved with
Debian.  As a professional developer, I take it as my responsibility
that any code I put back is fully tested and doesn't break the trunk
build.  The Debian way sounds too much like the hackers school of
lobbing code over the wall to QA and let them find the bugs, which I

>Also, I would look at allowing people to check in either x86 or sparc
>code, letting the community work on the other. As someone else
>mentioned, I imagine very few people will have both types of
I think that if someone is unwilling or unable to work with bot
architectures, they should pair on a task with someone from the other
camp and jointly put back code for both.


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