> If the GPLv3 decision were to be made exclusively by
> Sun, I would not be 
> having this conversation with you now.  We would just
> make it and be 
> done.  But that's not what I'm doing.  I'm talking
> with you first.

To be quite frank, I do not believe that any true fan of Solaris (outside of 
Sun) will ever be happy about GPLing their most favorite Operating Environment 
in the world.

Take me for example.  I loved SunOS dearly in the days when it was hardcore 
proprietary. It did not matter to me whether it was GPL or not; I would have 
still used it and keep using it and deploying no matter how open source other 
operating systems were.  I still use and make no deployments of HP-UX, even 
though that thing will probably never be outsourced, but what do I care when I 
can run most of the popular software just like I can on Solaris or Linux?  I 
don't.  So what difference did it make whether HP-UX is GPLed at the end of the 
day?  None.  DNS is running on it, and running great and fast, and the OS is 
robust and comfortable -- and it gets the jobs done, and done well!

I read the GPL V3 draft and I find it one of the most fascist, ideology-laden 
licenses that I've ever read; it might be on the opposite side of the spectrum 
when compared with the Microsoft EULA, but both are just as bad -- because they 
are extremes.  And no extreme can ever be any good.
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