> So... are you saying we're not growing fast enough
> for you?  What if
> GPLv3 helps win more people over?  I'm confusd as to
> what you're trying
> to say.

Yes, but what kind of people? The kind that roams Linux freely, their "code" 
barely passing the ./configure phase between one Linux distro and another?

Is that the kind of "expertise" that Sun is hoping to attract? Did you happen 
to look at the lack of engineering and chaos coming from the people at the very 
heart of the Linux kernel?  Those are the Linux elite. And they're poor coders. 
Also, in my belief, releasing their poorly designed (or not designed) code to 
the general public does not suddenly make them good coders.

Everyone with half a mind can reverse engineer a piece of hardware to make it 
work; I've done it as a kid a lot.  But that is not what  a great coder makes, 
it's the insights, the documentation, the engineering, the test suite, and the 
talent to write clean, scalable, portable, fast code, that makes a coder great.

And if anybody at Sun thinks that they will find that at Slashdot/Linux 
community at large, well, I guess somebody is in for a dissapointment.  Not 
that open sourcing Solaris didn't already clearly show that.  Linux fanboys 
that were foaming over at Slashdot are still not cranking out code using 
Solaris.  Meanwhile, it's business as usual for Linus Torvalds & Co.
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