Frank Hofmann wrote:

    "The Developers Reference is big. Really, really big. I mean,
     you just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly
     big it is."

Two options on that sentence:

It's scary to you because it means you'll have to read through all this stuff, understand it all, memorize it all, and then follow all these rules - for nothing more than just to get started ?
==> You're a "process hater".

It's comforting to you because it means you'll be able to quickly ramp up, gain insight fast and contribute efficiently once you've read and understood it because its sheer size makes sure all your questions on "how to do it" are answered ?
==> You're a "process lover".

We want both sorts of people to contribute, don't we ?
 Well put :). We want both sorts of people to contribute, no doubts!
But that link you pasted,
 probably took Sun 10 years to develop and improve with very good reasons.
If you are a new comer to OpenSolaris, whether you are a process lover or hater, it is tough act :/ But Kudos to the OpenSolaris team who put all these together on the web, at least there is a reference
 to look up!

But bearing in mind, that is only instructions for ON, not including any other consolidations [1] and each of the consolidations quirks. It all adds up. Looking at Indiana context, we are looking at multiple groups/communities delivering into a binary distros. I am sure there are many things we have to work and improve along the way. I bet we will be so much wiser when we ship the
second release of Indiana :)

What am I saying is let not build up walls, if anyone has concerns about the approach and direction,
let voice it and direct it, but don't halt it :)


[1] Okay, I am guilty of using a Sun's terminology here, essentially a consolidation is a group who
 delivered a set of product which is part of the whole Solaris.

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