John Plocher wrote:
Within Sun, for the last 17+ years, anyone could initiate a "project"
at any time by simply sending a proposal email to a single internal
alias.  It required absolutely no prior approvals, no sponsorship,
and no endorsement.  (Though, while it is /always/ a good idea to
have your manager be aware of what you are doing, that is more of
an HR issue than a project approval one :-)

Even with between 500 and 900 projects being proposed every year,
the system isn't overloaded or inconvenienced in any way.

I would imagine the staff would be very overloaded
trying to set up 900 projects per year on the opensolaris web site
- there's a big difference between submitting a one pager that just
generates an ARC case id and creating a online colloboration space.

We certainly don't intend the project creation policy to apply to
everything that generates an ARC case, but to longer term projects
that need a space set aside for participants to work together.
If it's something one person can do in a few days in their own
workspace, that's great, but it's not an OpenSolaris Project.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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