>Within Sun, for the last 17+ years, anyone could initiate a "project"
>at any time by simply sending a proposal email to a single internal
>alias.  It required absolutely no prior approvals, no sponsorship,
>and no endorsement.  (Though, while it is /always/ a good idea to
>have your manager be aware of what you are doing, that is more of
>an HR issue than a project approval one :-)
>Even so, many considered even that amount of effort to be "too
>The only "downside" is that we have had to develop a set of "is
>it dead yet?" heuristics to determine if a project is effectively
>dead and not simply dormant or focused on internal prototyping or
>otherwise still flying under the radar.  No big deal.

The difference is that the OpenSolaris projects are in a way
centrally administered.

I think there are many ways to start projects:

        - working on a prototype on our own
        - sending out mail to find like minded people to divide the

And those are both a few steps down from an OpenSolaris "Project".

I think you should not confused the every day word "project" with
the OpenSolaris "Project" which his a somewhat higher bar.

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