> Hopefully by the time Solaris 11 will be released, it
> will be a
> professional distribution which has had attention
> spent not only on the
> technical aspects by the interface in which
> administrators interact with
> the operating system.

If it's a 'professional' distribution, then we don't need such things as 
eye-candy "Next -> Next -> Next" installer. Professionals use Flash(TM) 
archives and JumpStart(TM) for hands-off, non-interactive installation.

The only reason Caiman is being worked on is because the majority of people out 
there quite falsely believe they need *a desktop*. Desktop will die, and will 
be eventually replaced with thin clients and applications running on an 
intranet or the InterNet, inside of a web browser.

Ironically enough, these applications will be powered by headless Solaris 
servers with *no desktop* and *no graphics* and installed not via a pretty GUI 
with pretty pictures, but via fully automated installation mechanism, aka 

At any rate, that's what 'professional' should mean, not pretty well polished 
GUIs always playing catch-up with the command line tools.

The only thing is getting into the people's skulls that they *don't* need a 
desktop, and that the network is the computer. Now that's a tough one. I equate 
it to getting the population literate throughout the middle ages. (They weren't 
called "dark ages" for nothing.)
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