> Should we accuse Ubuntu.com of taking possession of the name since
> they don't list the other Ubuntu-based distros on their homepage?

how are the situations alike? ubuntu aimed to create a linux
distribution called ubuntu from day one, what sun intended to do with
opensolaris is not really that clear; sun released the code and helped
build a community around the project. after 2+ years and a couple of
opensolaris based distributions someone at indiana thought it was a
good idea to call a new distribution that was being developed with the
comunity's aid "opensolaris"
mark shuttleworth didnrt call his linux derivative just linux, someone
at indiana decided to call their opensolaris distribution opensolaris

> Is Mark Shuttleworth evil for making decisions about Ubuntu without
> consulting the community?

he is not evil, he just started the project, and all those that joined
did it knowing that he might make some of those decisions without
consulting them

> Ah, double-standards...
i'm happy indiana decided to release an opensolaris based distribution
that aims to improve the current situation in many different ways,
what i'm not happy with is the way they chose the name they were going
to give it. someone said, "change the name and this problem will
dissapear very fast" and i agree

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