On 1-Nov-07, at 2:46 PM, Shawn Walker wrote:
>> if someone based a project off indiana and changed it around a lot,
>> then came back and declared their project the one true project
>> indiana, people would get pretty pissed off, and rightly so.
>> now replace "Indiana" with "OpenSolaris" and you see where we are  
>> now.
> No, not really. Because I haven't seen the community declare it the
> one true project yet, so I have no reason to be concerned yet.
> I haven't seen any Sun press releases.
> All I have seen is a website update and a naming choice some folks
> don't agree with.

the website update and the press releases from a bunch of sun types  
all disagree with that sentiment. The naming choice /is/ declaring  it  
the one true OpenSolaris, which is where all this comes from.

Okay, once again, try to divorce your opinion on whether indiana ought  
to be named OpenSolaris from the matter at hand, which is that Sun  
didn't consult with the community in any real sense when they brought  
down this decision. There are people on both sides of the fence (those  
who call OSol the codebase& community, and those that want a binary  
thing ) both decrying this action.

>> Similarly if PI continued to call itself Indiana to the exclusion of
>> all other indianas ad infinitum, nobody would have a problem with
>> that. It's not the control of the word that's the issue, it's that
>> "OpenSolaris" was usurped without any real meaningful consultation
>> and yes, once again, we all recognize that legally sun can do  
>> whatever
>> they want with the trademark. We're not talking legalities here,  
>> we're
>> talking about the rightness in the moral sense of action.
> The problem with morals is that the definition of them varies by
> person. I see nothing immoral about the action taken today or
> yesterday.

You see nothing wrong with unilateral action that affects a whole  
community taken by a small group of individuals that have no community  
mandate whatsoever whose decisions were made in private?

Seriously? Then we may as well pack up and let Sun run the show,  
because this "community" thing is just marketing-speak...

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