On 25/12/2007, David Dyer-Bennet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What happens to me every time I turn around on Solaris these days is
> that tools I'm used to using are missing key features that I use every
> day.  Tar is missing the 'z' option, date is missing all sorts of
> options (can't do conversions on dates specified on the command line),
> touch is missing options I think.  And ps has just totally different
> options, in a different syntax (to get roughly the listing I want every
> time, I need to type "ps -ef" instead of "ps ax" I think).  And when I
> try to find anything in the documentation, I mostly can't (or they
> describe three ways of doing things but don't explain why one would
> choose one over another).   And of course there's far, far less
> information on the web that I can find to help me out when I have these
> problems.

Reminds me of a story my martial arts teacher tells us every time we
go to Japan. Goes something like this: "I took a group to Japan once
... everyone was very excited to be going. Until we got there.
'Sensei, the people here are different'. Yes, I said, they are
different. 'But Sensei, the customs are diferent.' Yes, the customs
are different. 'But Sensei, the language is different.' Yes my
students, the language is different. 'But Sensei, the food is
different'. Yes my young grasshoppers, the food is different. 'Sensei,
everything is different!' Yes, everything *is* different. And do you
know why that is my young padawans? That's because this is Japan. Not
Canada. It is different. It is not the same. If you wanted the same,
you should have stayed in Canada. Because *this* is Japan. It is not
the same."

> And since Linux is what my work laptop and the systems I'm developing
> for at work run, that's what keeps being reinforced; I'm currently
> running Solaris *only* on the file server at home, and I put it there
> only because I wanted ZFS.
> For me, I'd be *immensely* better off running Linux with a good ZFS
> port, if one existed.  I probably also wouldn't have had to wait over a
> year to get all 6 motherboard SATA ports supported, and I *still*
> haven't dared try again to see if the hot-swap I paid so much for is now
> actually supported.

Then go back to Linux. This is about OpenSolaris. If you want Solaris
to behave different, then get involved and make an effort to change

For the record, all of your complaints about command behaviour can be
alleviated by using GNU tools instead of native Solaris tools. And as
for your "ps" problem, try /usr/ucb/ps. (Open)Solaris' default ps
command is a POSIX command. The "ps" you are referring to is the BSD
style ps.


Georgia: Why am I not doing what they're doing?
Rube: Because you're doing what you're doing. When it's time for you
to do something else you'll do that.
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