> Why would you care? Those are private structures and
> no user and/or sysadmin should worry about them. The
> only thing you need to know about cron is
> "cron.allow" and "cron.deny", and `crontab -e` and
> `crontab -l [login]`.

I'm not the originator but the reason I would care
is when creating packages.   I do package creation and
management on both Linux and Solaris.  When I want 
to add a cron entry on Linux I just create the file 
/etc/cron.d/mycron containing:

# here is myapps cron entry
35 3 * * * root /opt/myapp/bin/cron...

while on Solaris I need to do postinstall scripts or 
class actions to manipulate a single root cron
entry.  Even though I understand the Solaris way I would love 
for an easier way to create and manage cron entries.

> Solaris leading the way in UNIX innovation, the .d
> directories are now considered obsolete, for the most
> part. The SMF ("Service Management Facility") takes
> care of all that stuff. Its backend is a Sqlite
> database.
> See about SMF on http://docs.sun.com/

I did not think SMF could do cron jobs.  It seemed like 
I would have to use SMF to manage an always up daemon 
which duplicates what cron does.  Can SMF do cron jobs?  
If not then will it relatively soon?  I would love to use
SMF for cron jobs.

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