On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Mark Kaiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed OpenSolaris on my ThinkPad a couple of weeks ago, and I have 
> never been able to get it to work. The wpi0 and e1000g drivers just dont 
> work. I have posted on these forums and on usenet and received some 
> suggestions. I have tried every possible combination of wired and wireless 
> internet. WPA, WEP and no encryption. Let the cable modem reset to a new MAC 
> address. Enable NWAM. Disable NWAM. Endless restarting NWAM. Endless 
> wificonfig connect commands. NOTHING WORKS. I just have to conclude that 
> OpenSolaris isn't ready for prime time and wait for the next release. In 
> contrast, I put SLED 10 on the same ThinkPad and it works fine. Full 
> connectivity. I really want to use Solaris and I wish someone could convince 
> me otherwise. Sun could do a better job supporting people who want to use and 
> enjoy their OS.
My laptop(SONY sz-330p) has wpi0, and it works fine on OpenSolaris 200805.
Yes, default NWAM seems not to work properly, but physical:default service for
network really works on my side, with WEP.
You know, the wireless configuration is not easy for the newbie(sorry
if you are not),
but actually it works!

Please let me know if I can do any help with you, :-)

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