> I've noticed that since b132 my laptop freezes under
> load. Just dies without any message other than
> "memory pressure, tcp defensive mode on".
> Probably short of memory. I've _only_ 1GB which used
> to be quite ok for a laptop.

AFAIK, the warning message is wrong.  Although all
memory is in use, the system should be able to 
shrink some caches to free memory.  But b131, b132
TCP got this wrong and enters defensive mode, and
I think this could affect network connectivity.


> Now trying to upgrade to b133 and hoping for the
> best, it just dies in the same way, whaterver trick I
> try (gui, pkg cmd line, text mode...)

Does it freeze during the b132 -> b133 upgrade?

Or did the upgrade succeed, but the upgraded b133 freezes
in the same way b132 did?

The "WARNING: Memory pressure: TCP defensive mode on"
message should be gone in b133...


> So am I forced back to reinstall ?

Do you have a b130 (or older) BE?  Maybe you could activate that
and upgrade directly from b130 to b133, avoiding bug 6910378 ?
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