You (Harry Putnam) wrote:
> Matthias Pfützner <>
> writes:
> > So, if user "willi" on the Linux client hat UID 4711, then on the SERVER you
> > should see "4711" as the owner of a file, that had been created by "willi" 
> > on
> > a filesystems that had been mounted from the server. The server does not 
> > need
> > to know, that 4711 is "willi", it will still create the file with the ID
> > 4711. That's the basice rule... as long, as the UID is NOT 0 or root...
> Do you have any linux clients to osol nfs server?

No, sadly not...

> If not Matthias, then is there anyone else here who has an osol NFS
> server with a linux client, where you can show a simple `ls -l' (on
> the client) in a directory created on the mounted nfs share, by a
> linux user.

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Die interessantesten
Lichtenbergstr.73 | | Interaktionen finden im 
D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | Kopf statt, nicht in der 
Germany      | | Maus.          (Brian Eno)
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