
You (Edward Ned Harvey) wrote:
> > Do you have any linux clients to osol nfs server?
> > 
> > If not Matthias, then is there anyone else here who has an osol NFS
> > server with a linux client, where you can show a simple `ls -l' (on
> > the client) in a directory created on the mounted nfs share, by a
> > linux user.
> I still think my original answer is the answer for you.  The only difference 
> between your system and mine is that my NFS server is Solaris, and yours is 
> OpenSolaris.  Since you said you were confused by my post, let me try to 
> break it down:
> On my solaris NFS server, I don't want to export my filesystem to every 
> single IP address on the LAN.  I want only specific clients to be able to 
> access the server.  In the example below, I'm allowing "someclient" to access 
> the server.  These clients must have matching forward and reverse DNS.  You 
> could probably set up for exporting NFS to a subnet if you wanted to, but 
> you'd have to read the "man share" command to figure that out.  I have 
> exported my NFS filesystem using the following command:
> share -F nfs -o 
> rw=someclient.domain.com,root=someclient.domain.com,anon=4294967294 /export

I'm not sure, the "anon=???" option is needed... That's a bizarre UID to use,
and might be specific to your setup... And the "rw" option is only needed, as
you state, to LIMIT the write option to that specific host...

So, the "standard"

    zfs set sharenfs=ro...@192.168.2 rpool/export

should really be sufficient...

> To make the "share" command persistent across reboots, just stick it into 
> /etc/dfs/dfstab after you've run it manually once.

Not needed with ZFS, as that is a property of the ZFS filesystem, and is
persistent, not only across reboots, but even accros "transports" to different
servers, if you unplug the disks and plug them to a different server. Beauty
of ZFS!

> If you like, instead of using "share" and "dfstab" as described above, you 
> can set the sharenfs property on your ZFS filesystem.  It has the same 
> effect, according to "man zfs"
> If you have a RHEL/Centos 5 client, you have autofs5 installed by default.  
> You can configure automount to automatically mount the NFS server upon 
> attempted access.  Here's how:
> Edit /etc/auto.master and stick this line in:
> /-  /etc/auto.direct --timeout=1200
> Also edit /etc/auto.direct and stick this line in:
> /path/to/mountpoint  -fstype=nfs,noacl,rw,hard,intr,posix 
> server.domain.com:/export
> If you have a RHEL/Centos 4 client, you have autofs4 installed by default, 
> and autofs4 doesn't support "direct" automount as described above.  "Direct" 
> automount is much better than what they could do in autofs4, so it's worth 
> while to remove autofs4 and install autofs5 instead.  Then, you can use the 
> same "auto.master" and "auto.direct" as described above.

Sadly, as mentioned, I don't have a Linux client to test, so, Harry, sorry...

Still, the above commands for the Linux side look plausible to me...

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Die interessantesten
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