You (Harry Putnam) wrote:
> Matthias Pfützner <>
> writes:
> > Harry,
> >
> > all very bizarre... ;-)
> Probably do to ill informed bumbling on my part.
> [...]
> >> > What's the output of:
> >> >
> >> >         ls -ld  /export/home/reader
> >> >
> >> > Does that resolve and list the user-name and group-name?
> >> 
> >> yes, well no.  
> >> 
> >> I've found what may explain some of this... it appears somewhere in
> >> the last few updates on client... my carefully hand edited gid has
> >> disappeared.
> >
> > Strange! I don't know of any automated tool, that would edit either
> > /etc/passwd or /etc/group...
> I should have said `reinstall' instead of `upgrade' (on client). There
> was a full `from scratch' reinstall, so basic stuff was reset to
> default and haven't gotten it all back together yet.  Still finding
> things I had setup but forgotten about.
> Somewhere on these opensolaris lists (mnths ago), I was told that I
> needed a user with same uid gid on both server and client for NFS to
> work well but I'm not seeing that anywhere in share_nfs.

You need the SAME entries on Client and Server in "/etc/passwd" and
"/etc/group" so, that it works "correctly" (meaning, the way you want
it). Still, EVEN without the entries on the server, sou should at least see
the correct UIG and GID when doing an ls -al on the SERVER. No need to have
the "strings" in /etc/passwd or /etc/group, the NFS server does not need to
KNOW about those...

share_nfs does not need to and will not show these user ids...

So, if user "willi" on the Linux client hat UID 4711, then on the SERVER you
should see "4711" as the owner of a file, that had been created by "willi" on
a filesystems that had been mounted from the server. The server does not need
to know, that 4711 is "willi", it will still create the file with the ID
4711. That's the basice rule... as long, as the UID is NOT 0 or root...

> [...]
> > Back to NVS v4 vs. v3. I've no idea, on how Linux does define the
> > version, you mentioned, it's been done in a config file, and that
> > you did set that to be v3.
> Thanks again for your patience.

You're welcome!

> I'm not sure either (about nfs on linux)  but am checking into that
> now.

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | Wenn die Materie nichts
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D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | Materialisten.
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