> Go have a pity party?  Smallest violin?
> No wonder OpenSolaris is in trouble, it has the
> smallest minds as its user base.

What do you want?  "I feel your pain?"  I offer a suggestion,
if obviously a smart-a$$ed one, and you respond
with an ad-hominem (if a rather general one).  Hardly a de-escalation;
I hope you feel better now.

The pain I feel is not so much from sympathy as from listening to someone
who appears to me to be provocative just for the fun of it, for the most part.
(to be fair, you have occasionally said something that I wouldn't describe like

Oracle _stinks_ at communication.  I got that part.  And they've
certainly contributed in full measure to creating the climate in which
FUD-slingers can thrive.

And it's remotely possible that even those of us who aren't constantly
complaining about when the next release will come out are frustrated
at the combination of perceived delay and relative silence.

But what good does it do to put the worst possible spin on things?

Unless there's a crater somewhere that many of the principal developers
used to be, and I didn't catch that on the news in the last few minutes,
it seems like there is _zero_ evidence to support the premise that there
won't be a 2010.xx release, and every evidence (like every one of the
few times there _is_ an official statement to that effect) that there will be.

Patience is a virtue.  Practice it some more, please!
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